To: President Donald Trump, Judith Monroe, MD, FAAFP, President and CEO of the CDC, and Sylvia Mathews Burwell, United States Secretary of Health and Human Services

Require the Health Department to inspect restaurant play areas

Currently, the health department is not required to inspect restaurant play places and cannot write citations for dirty ones. It is up to the restaurant to clean them however they please, whenever they please, and no one holds them accountable. It has been well documented that these play areas are a cesspool for bacteria and communicable diseases. The restaurants who provide them are well aware of the problem of these play areas spreading disease, and yet all that is being done about it is PR from their headquarters. This includes all restaurants that provide these play areas nationwide.
We are asking that the Center for Disease Control and Health and Human Sevices department step in and begin requiring these play areas to pass health inspections just as the other areas in the restaurant are required. Doing so would cut down on the spread of communicable diseases among children and seems reasonable and necessary for the health of everyone.
Thank you for your time.

Why is this important?

My 3-year-old son recently came down with thrush, impetigo, and hand, foot, & mouth disease all at once after visiting a McDonald's play place. This is the 4th time he has gotten very sick after visiting one. He has only been about 10 times total, so that is nearly half. I was shocked when trying to file a complaint with the health department to find that they are not required to inspect restaurant play places.
