To: Knox County Board of Education
Rescind 2015 Teacher Non-Renewals
We the undersigned, parents and citizens of Knox County, urge the Board of Education to reinstate all the teachers who were non-renewed during 2015, and to direct the Superintendent to terminate use of non-renewal for dismissal of school staff.
Why is this important?
Contrary to the clear intent of Board of Education policy, the Superintendent has been discharging non-tenured teachers without following the Board's dismissal procedures. Rather, he has chosen not to renew their contracts (non-renewal).
Dismissal of poorly-performing teachers is a necessity at times, but hiring and orienting new teachers is expensive and disruptive. To learn well, children need stability and predictability in their schools. Dismissing teachers without clear reason creates a climate of uncertainty for children, parents and teachers, and it disrupts the conditions needed for positive, productive school communities.
Dismissal of poorly-performing teachers is a necessity at times, but hiring and orienting new teachers is expensive and disruptive. To learn well, children need stability and predictability in their schools. Dismissing teachers without clear reason creates a climate of uncertainty for children, parents and teachers, and it disrupts the conditions needed for positive, productive school communities.