To: Natasha Holmes, Alderman, Chicago, 7th Ward

Residents of South Shore Dr are being segregated from the lake and park.

Residents of South Shore Drive and Brandon Avenue are being denied access to the lake and park. Accessible Public Rights-of- Way per the Federal Government.

Stop the construction at 79th and South Shore Drive and allow residents to give input and participate in the redevelopment plans so that we, and our property, will be safe and this valuable resource will be accessible for all existing residents, including the disabled..

Why is this important?

The lake and the park are major attractions of this community so it is important for all residents to have accessibility and safety. The recent construction removed crosswalks, park paths and pedestrian routes used to access the park. Instead, they put in park and lake access for future residents of the Lakeside Development project. We now have to travel convoluted routes and climb steep hills to reach what is only a few hundred feet from us. Requesting Full Access and Inclusion for All.