To: Mr. Ferrell, Principal of Pinecrest High School

Don't Leave Poor People Out of the Minimum Wage Debate

Petitioning for the resignation of Mr. Ferrell for the unequal and discriminatory actions he took against the student body on the prom night for Pinecrest High School.

Why is this important?

Mr. Ferrell acted unjustly and as a poor leader on April 26th, the prom night for Pinecrest High School. His leadership, or rather lack of leadership, reflects poorly on Moore County and the North Carolina education system. He ruined what is for most people a once in a lifetime opportunity- a Prom only comes around twice for most high school students and on April 19th many high school seniors were denied entrance into their final Prom ever. An irreplaceable experience. When reporters arrived, instead of taking up leadership of the situation and responding in a positive way, Mr. Ferrell only told the reporters that they were banned from Pinecrest's campus- now that is outrageous that he can act like a dictator and think that he has the authority to make a decision like that one in a such a sensitive situation. Mr. Ferrell- come down off your power buzz that you're on and resign, it's time to move on. You were hired by the Moore County Education System to be a principal, not a prison warden.

More on Ferrell's dictatorship actions can be found here;