To: President Donald Trump and The United States Senate

Resolution for America

The Trans Pacific Partnership will have disastrous effects on all our lives. Our Senators must vote "NO" when it comes up for ratification later this year

Why is this important?

A Resolution to Denounce the TPP and to request your Senators do the same.

WHEREAS, the Trans Pacific Partnership will have far reaching negative effects on all our lives; and
WHEREAS, the majority of voters, many unions, businesses and other groups have repeatedly pointed out several of the major flaws in this document; and
WHEREAS, allowing this flawed document to become law will have far-reaching disastrous effects, not only on our nation’s sovereignty but our national security as well; and
WHEREAS, repeated requests to our elected officials have gone unanswered or answered with a point of view contrary to the wishes of the voters; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the We, the People of the United States of America do hereby respectfully request a change of position by our elected officials; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that We, the People of the United States of America demand that our Senators cast “NO” votes when the TPP comes up for ratification in the US Senate later this year.