Stop the cutbacks in necessary programs, invest in jobs, tax the affluent and corporations, bring the troops home, and cut the Pentagon budget, as Massachusetts voters said by a 3 to 1 margin in November.
Why is this important?
On November 6, voters in 91 cities and towns across the Commonwealth voted in favor of the following non-binding public policy question by a 3 to 1 margin. The measure passed in every city and town in which it was on the ballot.
The question called for our Congressional delegation to:
1. Prevent cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans benefits, or to housing, food and unemployment assistance;
2. Create and protect jobs by investing in manufacturing, schools, housing, renewable energy, transportation and other public services;
3. Provide new revenues for these purposes and to reduce the long-term federal deficit by closing corporate tax loopholes, ending offshore tax havens, and raising taxes on incomes over $250,000; and
4. Redirect military spending to these domestic needs by reducing the military budget, ending the war in Afghanistan and bringing U.S. troops home safely now.
I urge you to promote only budgetary policies that are in accord with the principles embedded in the aforementioned ballot question.