To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
RestorativeJustice for Sandra Bland
We demand restorative justice for Sandra Bland. We consider her a victim of crime, having been stopped for a traffic violation in Waller county, Texas, Bland was then found dead in her jail cell three days later. We ask the Dept. of Justice to investigate Bland's death and the handling of her case by Waller county. We call on the U.S. Congress to hold hearings on racial violence in America and the uptick of violent attacks on people of color. Restorative justice embraces crime victims and urges offender accountability.
Why is this important?
Restorative justice is a vision for reform of the criminal justice system. Violent attacks on people of color have increased dramatically in the last year. All citizens in the U.S. should be treated fairly and equally under the law. The case of Sandra Bland must be investigated.
Restorative Justice International (RJI)
Restorative Justice International (RJI)