To: Rep. David Roe (TN-1)
Restore American's Right to Vote
The United States Supreme Court decided in 2013 to strike down provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) that mandated federal approval of changes to voting laws in states with a history of systematic abuse of voting laws. Since that decision, many states rushed to enact laws intended to prevent some Americans from exercising their right to vote and even discourage many from registering to vote. Prior to the VRA of 1965 states often used literacy tests and poll taxes to halt prospective voters. Since 2013, tactics such as reducing voting locations, limiting poll hours and requiring photo identification serve the same purpose to restrict the Right to Vote.
Have your voice heard! Demand Congress to restore the protections of the VRA by telling them to cosponsor the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014.
Have your voice heard! Demand Congress to restore the protections of the VRA by telling them to cosponsor the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014.
Why is this important?
The preservation of American Democracy demands the ‘consent of the governed,’ and voting is the method by which Americans give that consent. Any nation ruled by unaccountable officials who choose their constituents cannot, and likely will not, maintain the freedoms promised by a nation where the people choose their representation.