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MoveOn has not yet reviewed this petition. If you agree with it, please sign and share it!

To: MoveOn Political Action Staff, Activist Members and Concerned Citizens

Restore and Maintain Information Integrity and Truth in Government

Divisiveness, polarization, increasing threats of violence, distrust in government...all are fueled by propaganda, lies and conspiracy theories. We have big issues and we need big action--a coordinated campaign to restore information integrity, truth and trust.

The original petition was directed at government officials, and proposed a non-partisan, formal, independent but government sanctioned “truth review board” with real authority. It would have required high level review and approval and the timeline was prohibitive. Right-sized vision: initiate a highly visible, activist-driven grass roots effort to Restore and Maintain Information Integrity and Truth in Government.

I am asking the MoveOn Political Action organization to consider adopting this concept as an urgent, foundational initiative. MoveOn is capable of providing credibility, visibility and activist boots on the ground.

While information integrity in media is a concern, if newsmakers are truthful then only truth is more likely to be reported and misinformation, conspiracy theories and lies will lose their punch. Therefore, priority scope is to ensure truth in government while monitoring formal and social media is secondary.

Abbreviated impacts and attributes follow. Please review this link for expanded text, as well as initial concepts and background on the “formal review board” concept.

Why is this important?

The US is badly polarized and the divisiveness is becoming increasingly violent. The toxic aftermath of a seditious coup attempt has triggered a regular stream of bulletins warning of increased risk of violent domestic terrorism, fueled by alternate reality--misinformation, lies, well-crafted propaganda, baseless conspiracy theories. Militant extremist groups are becoming more active, and more and better organized. Lies are repeated over and over until alternate reality becomes Truth. Other symptoms:
(1) Misinformation, lies and well-funded propaganda continues to facilitate the election of unscrupulous flawed candidates;
(2) The seditious Capitol riot was fueled by The Big Lie and other conspiracy theories;
(3) QAnon’s alarming growth includes inroads into legislatures;
(4) Misinformation and deep distrust is impacting our ability to fight the pandemic.
Alternate Reality is fueling polarization and radicalization. Immediate action may restore faith in democracy, start the healing process for our toxic society, and ensure a 2022 election driven by integrity and truth.

SPECIFIC ACTIONS AND ATTRIBUTES (needs community input!)
>Host a website to promote information integrity and truth in government: (a) raise awareness of what propaganda is and why it is so effective; (b) share fact-checking and credibility tips and resources; (c) issue public corrections of misinformation and pressure originators to publicly correct misinformation;
>Raise the public's expectations through local efforts to build awareness of the importance of information integrity and truth;
>Support / deliver local outreach programs, presentations and workshops for upper high school grades, community colleges and civic groups to raise awareness of misinformation and promote the importance of information integrity and truth in government and media;
>Local media contributions to raise awareness and to publicly correct misinformation;
>Collaborate with select social media-based groups.

>Would have neutralized four years of misinformation and brainwashing of an unsuspecting citizenry;
>May have reduced suffering and loss of lives from the pandemic;
>Will impede the growth of violent domestic terrorism, and the ability of QAnon to poison minds with destructive conspiracy theories;
>Minimize the impact of Russian troll farms’ efforts to confuse and divide Americans;
>Enable voters to identify capable, trustworthy leaders based on positions and policy, not lies and misinformation;
>Reduce massive campaign spending. Eliminate deception, sniping and the influence of special interest big donors;
>May have prevented January 6th by debunking The Big Lie and convincing millions of people to accept 2020 election results;
>Nurture real collaboration between parties to do what is right for We the People rather than The Party;

When We the People can see and believe that our government and its players are publicly accountable to Truth, our democracy will be strengthened and trust in government will begin to be restored.



2021-02-20 16:43:05 -0500

First section of petition re-written Feb 19

2021-02-17 12:06:50 -0500

To those who signed Integrity and Trust, THANK YOU. Have you shared within your circle? Broad exposure is critical.
If you’re like me, time is an assassin. But, a quick update: impeachment acquittal was a clear choice of the GOP’s leadership of their party, so we know what we’re up against--an onslaught of propaganda, lies and an all-out cheat-to-win campaign in 2022. Our best defense is integrity and trust.
See link: I’m concerned with possibly low response for the petition (share please!) And I’m considering revitalizing the original petition--a formal review board, iIndependent but government sanctioned for legitimacy and authority.
Link is to more information. If you can find time, I’d LOVE your input- use “comments” at the blog or email me [email protected] Again--THANK YOU!

2021-02-16 16:51:11 -0500

25 signatures reached

2021-02-07 11:10:48 -0500

10 signatures reached