To: Kevin Marks, Admin

Restore CyberNations

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

The owners or admins have the chance to improve the game. There are hundreds of ideas put forth by players of the game, but nothing has happened. They are squandering the potential of this game and the number of players has sunk to 14,000 (and shrinking).

We plead to those in charge of CyberNations to put vast changes into the system. We plead to those who can, to put some time and effort into the game or give it to someone who could. Make it a project for a number of talented although under-paid interns. Create an after work group that works on the page. Please restore and revive CyberNations, our beloved game.

A quote from Kevin Marks, the creator of CyberNations, "My main goal is to continue to provide for Cyber Nations for as long as people are interested in it."

Why is this important?

CyberNations ( was once a game of 40,000 players. It could be even better than that. But the administrators and owners of the game have left it to ruin.