To: Christopher Cerf, Commissioner of Education - New Jersey Department of Education
Restore Democracy Asbury Park Board of Education: We support the decision of the Asbury Park Boa...
On October 16, 2013 the elected school board members of the Asbury Park Board of Education, voted by majority to hire Gregory Allen as the Superintendent of schools. On November 13, 2013 the state monitor Carole Morris, over turned the vote of an elected school board majority. Ms. Carole Morris has denied the African American community of Asbury Park democracy. The Asbury Park Neptune NAACP is asking you to sign our petition to Commissioner Cerf, to overturn the decision of Carole Morris and uphold the vote of the elected board of education members of Asbury Park to hire Gregory Allen as the Superintendent of Schools. Additionally we seek an independent investigation of the reasoning of Carole Morris, to overturn the decision of an elected school board. Additionally Ms. Morris was the former Executive County Superintendent of Schools for Monmouth County and we wonder if there is a possible conflict of interest. The elected school board of Asbury Park is predominately African American and the candidate selected by the board is also African American. We find the actions of Ms. Carole Morris discriminatory and do not believe she would have overturned the decision of a predominately Caucasian school board majority. We support the democratic process and the vote of an elected school board majority to hire Gregory Allen as the Superintendent of Schools in Asbury Park, New Jersey.
Why is this important?
The education of the children of Asbury Park should be a high priority and free of politics. Democracy is a civil right!