To: The Pennsylvania State House and The Pennsylvania State Senate

Restore Democracy to Philadelphia School District. Abolish the SRC

We call on the Governor and the General Assembly to abolish the Philadelphia School Reform Commission and allow the people of Philadelphia to elect the school board, returning control of the Philadelphia public schools to Philadelphians.

Why is this important?

In 2001, the Republican governor and legislators took over the School District of Philadelphia, abolishing the elected school board and creating the unelected School Reform Commission (SRC).

It is time to restore control of the Philadelphia schools to the taxpayers of Philadelphia. Tell Gov. Corbett and the General Assembly to allow Philadelphians to elect their school board and return control of the schools to the people of Philadelphia.

In October, 2014, Tom Corbett's SRC unilaterally, and illegally, ended the District's contract with the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers. Local parents and students were justifiably outraged.

It's time to end this unjust situation and return the control of the Philadelphia Schools to the people of Philadelphia.