To: David Banks, Cobb County School Board

Restore Funding for Inclusion Classes at Davis Elementary

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Davis Elementary Students Need a Dedicated Special Education Teacher in All Inclusion Classrooms!

Why is this important?

The parents of students at Davis Elementary have brought a serious concern to the attention of the Cobb County School Board. Because of budget cuts, the inclusion classrooms in first, second, third and fifth grade do not have a dedicated special education teacher. The general classroom teachers are trying to make-do with one special education teacher (and a recently added half-time teacher) shared between Kindergarten, First, Second and Third grades and some support from paraprofessionals. We are writing to ask that immediate action is taken to address this situation.

Our general classroom teachers, special education teachers, and paraprofessional are all gifted and well qualified to serve our students. The parents at Davis Elementary greatly appreciate the efforts that go above and beyond their job descriptions. However, one general classroom teacher, no matter her abilities, experience, and education, cannot be expected to do the job of two people. With special education support moving in and out of the classroom, no one is able to teach or consistently track the progress and performance of students with special needs. The general classroom teacher cannot be asked to do so and effectively teach her class, which includes general education students needing as much of her attention as would be received in another general education classroom.

We ask that Cobb County fully restore this funding so that you are in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and our children are provided a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE). We have learned that many IEPs have been written to reflect the level of reduced services, which is also a violation of State and Federal Special Education Law.

Other schools in Cobb County have inclusion classrooms staffed with a general classroom teacher and a co-teacher, as did Davis until this year. For the sake of the overall student achievement at Davis Elementary, we hope this matter can be resolved quickly and amicably at the county level. Please respond to our concerns in writing. We appreciate your attention and response.
