To: The United States Senate

Restore Justice

Although Alberto Gonzales resigned over wrongful firings, the same people who abused their power are still in the Justice Department. There is evidence that former Democratic Governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman was targeted for political reasons. There were so many red flags with the unfairness of his prosecution that many former State Attorneys General, both Republican and Democrat are asking for a full investigation of his prosecution. This petition is asking the Senate to investigate the prosecution of Don Siegelman.

Why is this important?

No one is safe until justice is restored. There is evidence that citizens have been targeted for political reasons. Although there was an investigation on the wrongful firing of seven U.S. Attorneys General in late 2006, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigned, the same people who abused their power are still in the Justice Department. In the case of former Governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman, there were so many red flags on the unfairness of his case that ninety one former State Attorneys General, both Republican and Democrat have said that what he did is not a crime and are asking for a full investigation. Don Siegelman's story was on Sixty Minutes, The New York Times, Time Magazine and MSNBC to name a few. Since the Justice Department is not investigating itself, the Restore justice Petition is asking for a full investigation of the Don Siegelman Prosecution by the Senate.
