To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Restore liability to gun makers and repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLACA)....

The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act nullified any attempts to sue gun makers for death or injury, so family members of the 30,000 people killed every year by firearms are helpless if they seek redress against gun makers and their allies. Stop this outrageous exemption now. This is the Achilles' heel of the gun empire. Restore full liability to the gun industry. Repeal PLACA!

La ley de protección de lícito comercio de armas a anulado cualquier intento de demandar a los fabricantes de armas por muerte o lesiones, por lo que los familiares de las 30.000 personas mueren cada año por armas de fuego son indefensos si buscan reparación contra los fabricantes de armas y sus aliados. Alto a esta exención indignante ahora. Este es el talón Aquiles del imperio de armas. Restaurar toda la responsabilidad a la industria de las armas. Deroguen PLACA!

Why is this important?

Did you know that citizens are legally prevented from bringing liability lawsuits against gun makers? If you use any other product, from an automobile to a baby stroller, you can sue those manufacturers for death or injury sustained while using their products. But not deadly guns.