To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Restore, Rebuild and Reinvest in Early Care and Education Programs in California!

Subsidized early care and education programs in California have been reduced by over $1 billion since 2008, eliminating spaces for almost 110,000 low-income children. We urge you to restore, rebuild, and reinvest in early care and education programs!

Please implement a 1.565% COLA equal to K-12 for early learning and child care programs.

Please eliminate the new fees for part-day state preschool, and restore the $125 million cut that happened in coordination with the implementation of the fees. This is a failed experiment that is simply not working, and is hurting the quality of this program for children.

Please oppose the proposal to realign CalWORKs child care to the Department of Social Services.

Why is this important?

Subsidized early care and education programs in California have been reduced by over $1 billion since 2008, eliminating spaces for almost 110,000 low-income children. Support a COLA and the elimination of family fees for part-day state preschool programs.
