To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Restore Retirement Pay for Chapter 61 Veterans

Currently the Obama Administration, Department of Defense, and some in Congress want to increase Tricare Military Health Insurance Premiums. How can they justify this added medical insurance cost when they will not pay Chapter 61 Military Retirees who have served under 20 Years their earned retirement? How can these Chapter 61 Military Retirees afford the increased Tricare insurance costs when they do not receive their Earned Military Retirement Pay. It is time to end this DISCRIMINATORY policy and give Chapter 61 Military Retirees their earned Retired Pay. If you agree, please sign!!!!

Why is this important?

There should be restoration of Military Retired Pay for Soldiers retired under US Code Title 38 Chapter 61 who served less then 20 years' time in service and are in receipt of VA Compensation.