To: President Donald Trump, The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, Governor Doug Ducey, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Restore voting rights to disenfranchised ex-felons

According to "The Sentencing Project" (, close to six million convicted felons are barred from voting in over 29 states. Please sign my petition demanding that our law makers pass legislation that will restore the inalienable right to vote to ex-felons immediately.

Why is this important?

Matthew Parker is former heroin addict who has been drug and crime free for 12 years. As an ex-felon he has not just served all of his time in prison, but has since gone on to earn a bachelor's degree from a good four-year college and a master's from an Ivy League school. He has also published a memoir and teaches creative writing, yet is still barred from voting in his home state of Arizona. Matthew wrote this petition because it is his firm belief that, like most ex-felons who have done their time and pay their taxes, he should be afforded representation like every other tax-paying American Citizen. In a telling summation, Matthew has stated that, “Full redemption can never be complete when forgiveness remains so elusive.”