To: President Donald Trump, The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, Governor Doug Ducey, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Restore writ of Habeas Corpus; Nix Martial Law

The United States was built on opinions and dissent. To stifle voices, even temporarily, sets back this Christian republic, and supplants it with the regimes we thought we had defeated. Liberty requires constant maintenance and vigilance of government accountability (to be distinguished from surveillance of the citizenry), which we have deferred for some decades now.

Why is this important?

There are two basic elements required in a conviction for a crime:

ACTUS REUS = the guilty act, and
MENS REA = the guilty mind.

Absent one or the other, there can be no conviction. The US Department of Justice abuses its power, unnecessarily detaining accused persons INDEFINITELY in order to coerce an admission of guilt (to lighten the prosecution's burden of proof) in exchange for restoration of one's Constitutional rights, of which one has been deprived. Check out the Facebook page entitled, "Restore Habeas Corpus".

In addition to the guilty plea, the accused is also required to waive monetary damages incurred as a result of the false imprisonment, accept the false imprisonment as "credit for time served", waive the right to an appeal, and a myriad of other conditions that may give the accused further recourse.

The originator of this petition has been "released" from maximum security false imprisonment after 3 1/3 years, but is still under house arrest with a GPS sending unit strapped to his ankle in order to ensure an appearance at a trial that he contends will never occur (the January 2013 trial date was continued to March 2013, and then to November 2013, and now once again continued indefinitely, as he has refused to sign the guilty plea prepared for him by the prosecution, despite the urgings of the judge, and his court-appointed lawyer).

Fortunately, his family was able to retain a private lawyer. A Motion to Suppress (MtS -- the evidence was contrived from a false arrest) was subsequently filed, which was used as leverage to "release" him last 19 September 2013 although this MtS has not been ruled upon by the Court.

He is accused of ATTEMPTED fraud. The MtS points out that the prosecution has a serious problem that, were the United States not currently under Martial Law and the writ of Habeas Corpus available for detainees, ought to have made a detention review available to him, possibly to be freed outright.

While imprisoned at CADC in Florence, Arizona, it was observed that the system is also abused to include an ethnic cleansing that targets Latinos (mostly Mexicans). Roughly 90% of those falsely imprisoned at this private prison (not under the purview of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, nor any government agency empowered by the government to imprison individuals) are of Mexican origin, people who are coerced into signing waivers for "voluntary departure", in addition to guilty pleas for the "crime" of "re-entry", drug trafficking, or human smuggling, all without the benefit of a trial -- needless to say, some are actually US citizens or legal permanent residents who are systematically stripped of their legal status, simply because they happen to have Mexican roots.

There is a clear sentiment that there is an effort to control the voting population, and that the Democrat constituency, having been successfully utilized, is now being minimized.

Our (US) Foreign Policy has intermittently spiked in favor of Imperialism, which necessitates a Fascist government (in our case with a bi-partisan Dictatorship). The hyped-up threat of terrorism has created the excuse for military backing.

We (the United States of America) are currently under Martial Law. It may be too late to stop the onset, but a passive resistance is necessary to peacefully dismantle the regime.

A Facebook page, "Restore Habeas Corpus" contains a collection of articles and videos to outline the "legal" structure underneath our current predicament.

View this interesting link containing embed code:

The originator of this petition has standing (Locus Standi) to sue the US government for allowing employees of the Department of Justice (the US Attorney, the US Marshal Service, the FBI, the DEA, etc.) to torture a US citizen (the prosecution has also attempted to cause petitioner to give up his US citizenship, so that he may be deported).

A team of fearless lawyers who will take up the cause on a contingency basis is required, backed by a public outcry. Hence this petition. The Department of Justice (DOJ) does have a Civil Rights department, but attempts at bringing this matter up to them has met with filibustering. Asking the Chief of Police to prosecute the serial killer when the serial killer is the COP is a practice in futility. The DOJ also has an Office of the Inspector-General that handles such complaints. The originator of this petition has lodged a complaint with that office, but I have come up against a blank wall.

The predicament we are in is very political, and one solution that has worked in the past is to simply start a drive to inform the public. The internet is an inexpensive and (so far) unadulterated source.

Once I was "released", attempts were made to contact interested media and tell the story, but success has been elusive in that respect.

The few hundred friends the originator of this petition had who live within the State of Arizona understandably are very cautious of his attempts at contact, for fear of having their lives also inconvenienced by Department of Justice personnel.

It is anticipated therefore that the initial response will be coming from outside the USA, and will gain momentum once US citizens realize the truth.
