Additional bonds ($40 million) for the completion ot the Indian Cultural Center and Museum in Oklahoma CIty should NOT be let, nor bonds for the repair of the State Capitol Bulding be let, AND the salaries & benefits of the Governor, Lt. Governor, House Speaker, Education Secretary and ALL OK Legislators should be CUT TO ZERO..until Education Funding is fully restored, as well as the previous class sizes!!! NO PERSONAL INCOME TAX CUTS UNTIL THE OKLAHOMA ECONOMY REACHES 10%+ in GROWTH. Otherwise, a Vote of "NO CONFIDENCE" for all legislators is merited!
Why is this important?
Education funding is being strangled, programs cut and teachers fired, while OK Legislators are pushing the elimination of ALL Personal Income Tax (the major source of revenue in Oklahoma). This does not make responsible fiscal sense, as this will affect Oklahomas ability to bond and finance ALL projects.