To: President Donald Trump, The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, Governor Tom Wolf, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Restrict the use of credit reports in employers decision to hire individuals for a job

One in four unemployed Americans have been required to go through a credit check when applying for a job, and one in ten have been denied jobs due to information in their credit report, according to a survey by think-tank Demos of about 1,000 low- and middle-income households with credit card debt.

At a time when our nation is healing from the worst economic collapse any of us have seen, employers should not be putting an additional road block in the way of individuals who desperately need a job to support their families. I personally have been denied jobs due to being laid off and searching month after month for a comparable job and coming up short. In that time bills stack up, even with the major cuts I made to my budget it was not enough to prevent me from filing bankruptcy. Now when I apply for a job that black mark on my perfect credit report is used against me........Tell me how am I or anyone else for that matter supposed to contribute to society when employers refuse to hire you. This type of legislation has already gained support in 7 other states and other states currently considering a ban on the practice

In keeping with simplicity the news article can be found at the link below please check it out and sign the petition to stop this from happening.

Also sign my petition for we the people to have the Obama administration give a response on the issue

Why is this important?

Employer credit checks are preventing the nation’s hardest hit job seekers from entering the workforce
