To: President Donald Trump and Governor Andrew Cuomo

RESTROOM is the only sign needed

Other than to adhere to handicap law, single occupancy restrooms need only say RESTROOM. Make all single occupancy restrooms gender neutral with no need for an additional sign.

Why is this important?

Public restrooms are never enjoyable, but for transgender people and many others, using a public restroom can be a highly stressful and even dangerous experience. My point is being made in DC. All single occupancy restrooms are gender neutral and need no sign saying so. RESTROOM is the ONLY sign needed.

No one is saying you can't have an additional sign. It's only saying you don't need one. Rather than clawing one toilet at a time across America looking for headlines this takes care of the issue either state by state or in one fell swoop at the federal level. This policy simply allows people to use a single person restroom in a greater degree of safety, legally and with greater convenience for ALL people.

This is already being enacted in DC. It's already the law and they have stated RESTROOM alone is fine. You simply remove the gender sign rather than replacing it. What this creates is ease of change and not a requirement for all venues to spend money to make that change. It also creates choice and convenience for ALL people.

Often, even in a loving society, we are reactionary when it comes to the needs of a transgender child or adult. We allow an environment that creates fear in them, which has them in the closet, until they muster the intestinal fortitude to face that unwelcoming environment and only after the fact consider whether or not to take steps for their welfare and comfort.

This is backwards to the need. If we create a positive environment set up for them prior to that desperate moment of determination to say who they are, we take away much of that desperation in the first place. A child shouldn't be required to show more bravery than most adults ever will in their lifetimes simply because they were born as they were.

The reactionary stance is never the best one. Proactive things can and need to be done now. It only takes an understanding of the facts by all to see the need.

Start looking around you. Start wondering why it is you can't use the single occupancy (one person) restroom that is most convenient. Start wondering why you shouldn't just use the closest available rather than walking further down a hall or to another location when there is a perfectly good restroom in front of you. Start wondering why a gender sign on a door has some magical power to keep you out of a single occupancy restroom that is most convenient. Join us in bringing this message to our government officials. Join us in doing something reasonable that benefits all people.

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