To: President Donald Trump and The United States Senate

Retired Federal Government Seniors petitioning to have their Social Security Retirement Restored ...

Ask the President and Congress to rescend that Bill that prohibts retirees from the government from getting their social security.The
Bill should have been grandfathered to exclude anyone who worked in private industry more than ten years prior to coming into government service and then retiring!!

Why is this important?

While working in ptrivate industry money was taken from my paycheck and put into the social security system. Mr. Reagan decided that because I started to work in the government later in life and retired from the government I would be "double dipping" to get my own money from social security and he passed a law disallowing me to get my own money when I retired. Think about how it affects me in this day and age when 80% of my social security is stolen from me and I either pay rent, buy food and get my medicine or pay gas and electric. .
