To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Retirment compensation for cogres and the house

We need to address the concerns about the loss of Social Security. If this tax money that many of us have paid all our working lives can just be lost, it will no longer be there for us to aid us in retirment, then why should the congress and the house get to keep thier pensions, this too is paid for by our tax dollars. Why should our tax dollars not only pay the wage of someone who cannot manage our countries budget, but also pay for their retiement when the are finished working, yet those same tax dollars, that WE pay cannot be their for us when we retire? If Social security cannot be maintained, the the pension that the members of congress and the house of reps should also be deleted. If the country cannot afford to pay us, the it should not be able to pay them their very substantial retirment. Let them live on their savings like the rest of us, not off our tax dollars that are put into their pension. these people who are suppose to work for us and are paid by us should not be able to keep our money for their comfort when they will not let the tax dollars that we pay for our future be returned to us.

Why is this important?

Every four years we hear that we may lose social security, that we can't afford it ect. I ,for one, don't want all the money I paid to just dissappear, I am 50 and have worked since I was 14. I have paid a lot. But congress and the house are not worried as they have a pension that will not be touched. I think that that pensionshould be dissolved if anything happens to social security. If the people who have paid so much of their small wages can not be compensated for the money they put in, then congress and the house should not be allowed to use our tax money to pay themselves a pension, it is all "our" tax money, why should they get to keep it when we don't. These people cannot even do a good enoough job to not be fired in four years, why should someone who may have worked for 30 years and not been replaced loose they money they put in. If our social security cannot be paid, then neither should the pension for the govt employees.
