To: The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Return Bankruptcy Protections to ALL STUDENT LOANS!

The student loan system in the U.S. has been turned predatory, hyper-inflationary, and bad-faithed due to the removal of consumer protections like bankruptcy rights, statutes of limitations, and others.

This is unconstitutional, indefensible, and intolerable. The Founding Fathers demanded a uniform bankruptcy system ahead of the power to raise an army, a navy, ahead of the power to declare war, and even ahead of the power to coin currency when they gave Congress its powers.

The student loan exception proves their wisdom. We call on Congress and the President to repeal 11 USC 523(a)(8), level the playing field, and return standard bankruptcy protections to ALL STUDENT LOANS.

Please come to StudentLoanJustice.Org to help us win this.

Why is this important?

We have been fighting this battle for 12 years. During that time, over $1 Trillion in student loan debt has been added to the citizenry, and millions of lives have been wrecked. Congress created this problem. Congress must solve it by repealing 11 USC 523(a)(8)

Please come to StudentLoanJustice.Org to help, and join us on facebook The citizens are banding together and we need your help!