To: Rick Grisham, Mary Blake, and Martha Whalen

Return Bus 1665 to 1st load for afternoon

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Stop flipping loads for Sope Creek bus 1665. It should be 1st load in the morning and 1st load in the after noon.

Why is this important?

Children on bus 1665 who live west of Sope Creek bridge are spending an extra 30 minutes in transit from school to home compared to last school year. Over 36 weeks, that is the equivalent to additional 18 school days. The delay in returning from school is disruptive to homework, childcare arrangements, after school activities, and to the well being of the children, particularly the younger ones for whom the additional time at school is exhausting. The students who ride bus 1665 as 1st load in the morning are away from home for ~ 8:10 while the 1665 2nd load students are only in transit and at school for ~ 7:10. While students on the 2nd morning load have the option of walking to school, the 1st load AM students cannot walk to or from school in a timely and safe manner. Bus 1665 should be returned to its original, non-flipped loading schedule to resolve the issue.