To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Return of Civil Rights and expunction of records for ex-felons

When non-violent ex-felons have paid their debt to society and have met all the requirements of their sentence, they should have their civil rights returned. Since this affects an overwhelming number of minorities and women it makes for disproportionate voting and disparity in treatment of US citizens. Return their right to full citizenship. Call and write U.S. Rep. Charlie Rangel and Florida Gov. Rick Scott before another election slips by...

Why is this important?

This concerns every non-violent ex-felon who has "paid their debt to society" but cannot get a return of their civil rights nor have their records expunged.

Under former Florida Governer Charlie Crist this process was streamlined as long as the person had a non-violent offense and met the requirements of the statute.

Florida Governor Rick Scott, in an effort to prevent these individuals from voting changed the law almost immediately upon taking office.