To: The Ohio State House, The Ohio State Senate, and Governor Mike DeWine

Return The Pay to Independant Home Health Aids

Tell Governor Kasich and the state representatives to restore the pay he took from Independant Home Health Aids and Independant Day Care workers.

Why is this important?

When Governor Kasich took office he took away our right to have union representation. In doin that he took away our right to bargain for better health care and he cut the pay of 7,000 Independant Home Health Care Aids along with Independant Day Care Workers.
Since Governor Kasich says the state of Ohio is doing so well I'd like him to restore our pay. Cutting our pay by 26% he's cause a LOT of hardship for a lot of Independant Home Health Care Aids and their families.
A lot of us used to spend some of that money on our clients, which we haven't been able to do.
