To: NFL Owners

Reverse the NFL rule to fine players when protesting the National Anthem!

June 14,1943 the Supreme Court ruled that one one can be forced to participate in patriotic rituals such as the Plede of Allegiance and the National Anthem. the NFL rule must be reversed and changed!

Why is this important?

Here's what Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr had to say today about the NFL's decision to fine players who kneel during the national anthem:

“They weren't disrespecting the flag or the military. But our president decided to make it about that and the NFL followed suit, pandered to their fanbase, created this hysteria. This is kind of what's wrong with our country right now. People in high places are trying to divide us, divide loyalties, make this about the flag as if the flag is something other than what it really is. It's a a representation of what we’re about, which is diversity, peaceful protests, abilities, right to free speech. It's really ironic, actually."

Once again, Kerr articulates the true meaning of patriotism better than the current president.
