To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott
Revise the Laws that hold non viloent offenders locked away for years and in many cases a lifetime.
Outraged by the number of young men behind bars for "crimes" that are
non-violent, specifically related to DUI's and Cannabis, as a nation we must seek to change some outrageous laws. The fabric of our society is torn and in need of a serious mend. The so called "war on drugs" has only further fractured our society and in so doing has opened the door for "drug lords" to solidify their reign in many ways. We will take our concerns first to the Texas lawmakers.
non-violent, specifically related to DUI's and Cannabis, as a nation we must seek to change some outrageous laws. The fabric of our society is torn and in need of a serious mend. The so called "war on drugs" has only further fractured our society and in so doing has opened the door for "drug lords" to solidify their reign in many ways. We will take our concerns first to the Texas lawmakers.
Why is this important?
We have a mandate to turn the tide, now. Our laws do not reflect the
belief or desires of more than a majority the people. Certain organizations, i.e. MADD , have caused the pendulum to swing much to far, leaving us with a knee jerk reaction to a crime, in place of a reasonable approach to a real problem. The mandatory sentence for offenses exceed the sentence given to violent criminals for crimes like rape and murder. We have huge numbers of persons locked away for what are non violent crimes, the punishment does not fit the crime.
My 33 year old son is looking at 25 years to life for a DUI and as I look
at the laws I am floored by the insanity. We have problems with "substance abuse" in our society, no doubt, but locking a person away does not address the problem. We need some changes in our laws so that justice is reflected in the sentences handed down to the humans that are suffering with such afflictions.
belief or desires of more than a majority the people. Certain organizations, i.e. MADD , have caused the pendulum to swing much to far, leaving us with a knee jerk reaction to a crime, in place of a reasonable approach to a real problem. The mandatory sentence for offenses exceed the sentence given to violent criminals for crimes like rape and murder. We have huge numbers of persons locked away for what are non violent crimes, the punishment does not fit the crime.
My 33 year old son is looking at 25 years to life for a DUI and as I look
at the laws I am floored by the insanity. We have problems with "substance abuse" in our society, no doubt, but locking a person away does not address the problem. We need some changes in our laws so that justice is reflected in the sentences handed down to the humans that are suffering with such afflictions.