To: Northwest Association of Colleges and Schools

Revoke the Accreditation of Colorado Mountain College (CMC)

Colorado Mountain College is located in the heart of western Colorado's fracking zone. It has received at least $4,000,000 for its campus in Rifle, Colorado, called the "Encanna Center," from the multi-national energy companies Encanna and Williams Oil to. Approximately 4 years ago, CMC was granted accreditation for a 4-year "Sustainability Studies" program. I believe that in light of this financial entanglement with big oil and gas, this accreditation should be revoked

Why is this important?

I feel that CMC has taken too much money from big oil and gas to think that they could have an unbiased focus for a sustainability program. Yes, I I was personally affected by by this coalition of big gas and oil and CMC. I formally taught environmental ethics at CMC and was terminated whn my class uncovered a plot, involving the former CMC president, to put a natural gas pumping station on our campus. We exposed this to the public and that project was stopped. The president was terminated, apparently because of this...and so was I for exposing it.
