To: President Donald Trump
Reynolds Prairie
Dear Sir:
The impending auction of the Reynolds Prairie in So. Dakota, a site sacred to the Sioux Nations, should be halted until the Nations can raise money enough to purchase the land.
Perhaps Tribes with profitable Casinos can pitch in to help brother tribes.
The impending auction of the Reynolds Prairie in So. Dakota, a site sacred to the Sioux Nations, should be halted until the Nations can raise money enough to purchase the land.
Perhaps Tribes with profitable Casinos can pitch in to help brother tribes.
Why is this important?
A sacred site to the Sioux Indian Nations in So. Dakota is being put up for auction on the 25th of August, the government of the state and the nation should step in to find ways for the Sioux Nations to buy the land which was taken from them in the 1800's so they can continue to practice their religious beliefs on this pristine prairie. Otherwise it will be sold and developed trampling on the Sioux once again!