To: The Rhode Island State House and The Rhode Island State Senate

Rhode Island Legislature: Decriminalize Marijuana Now!

For the past three years now, the Rhode Island General Assembly has pushed back bills involving marijuana decriminalization for "further study," despite the fact that decriminalization is supported by the majority of Rhode Islanders and many of our surrounding states have already made this logical move.

It is about time the legislature takes a stand and votes on this issue. The amount of saved revenue that can be obtained from decriminalization can no longer be ignored in these difficult economic times.

Despite the fact that there's no evidence that decriminalization causes an increase in marijuana use and all political, gender, and age demographics support it, the legislature continues to drag its feet. Sign this petition if you not only if you want Rhode Island to decriminalize marijuana, but you want it done as soon as possible.

Why is this important?

Sign this petition to support decriminalizing marijuana in the state of Rhode Island as soon as possible!
