To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott
Rick Perry's Refusal of Federal funds cost all Texans
Stop playing with Texan's health, and with our health services.
The Texas Hospital Association reports that 582 Texas hospitals racked up $5.4 Billion in uncompensated costs (not charges) in 2012.
Guess who pays that bill. Texas does. States like Michigan are thanking Texas for the monies our Governor turned down from the Federal Government, using those funds to extend their services for their constituents.
Where is the outrage? Tell Governor Perry to get over his ego and accept funding for all Texans. His point to prove is at the cost of all of us.
More Medicare funding means less uncompensated charges. It's simple math!
Please sign the petition and tell Rick Perry, NO MORE! Human beings count....not just money!
The Texas Hospital Association reports that 582 Texas hospitals racked up $5.4 Billion in uncompensated costs (not charges) in 2012.
Guess who pays that bill. Texas does. States like Michigan are thanking Texas for the monies our Governor turned down from the Federal Government, using those funds to extend their services for their constituents.
Where is the outrage? Tell Governor Perry to get over his ego and accept funding for all Texans. His point to prove is at the cost of all of us.
More Medicare funding means less uncompensated charges. It's simple math!
Please sign the petition and tell Rick Perry, NO MORE! Human beings count....not just money!
Why is this important?
Texas has the largest number of uninsured children in the nation. It also has the largest number of people living in poverty. These constituents need health care. Without access to services they suffer, as does all of Texas.