Most area schools are only offering 20 minutes or less for lunch periods, this does not include time standing in lunch lines. Dietary guidelines suggest no less than 30 minutes sit down and eat time; it takes 15 minutes for your stomach to send signals to your brain to tell it that it is getting food.
Why is this important?
My daughter attends Edgelea Elementary School. I went to eat lunch with her, to find that they had only 15 minutes for lunch, 7 minutes of that was standing in line. There were children horking their food on the way to the trash can to maximize their intake before lining up. I thought my daughter was talking too much during lunch, she barely said a word to me and only had time to finish half her chocolate milk, half a taco, and a small bit of her cooked carrots (which she always finishes at home). Needless to say, I WAS APPAULED!