To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Require all corporations, public, private, and non-profit to have an approval vote of at least 75% all stockholders or share holders for any and all donations, contributions, or in kind donations to any and all campaigns where there is a vote, either by the public or elected officials. There must be a separate and individual vote at least 60 days before any money, time, facilities or anything of value is given or offered to any PAC, super PAC, organization either public or non-profit or any committee of any type, either for the election or defeat of any candidate, elected official, bond act, proposition. Such voting records must be open to the public and be open for viewing electronically.

Why is this important?

Require 75% of stockholder's to approve for each and every donation to any election campaign committee,PAC, Super PAC, non-profit group; or organization or to the person running for office or for any ballot measure or public information statement.