To: President Donald Trump, The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, Governor Henry McMaster, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Right to Healthcare

The right to Healthcare; Let's Provide .for a constitutional amendment providing for the guranteed acces to quality affordable healthcare and the control of healthcare costs without the right of repeal .

Why is this important?

Constitutional Amendment providing for quality health care for all citizens of the United States of America and control of Healthcare costs.
We should all have the right to quality healthcare in this country despite our economic status. Hosptals and Doctors are not accepting Medicaid ! Medicare Advantage plans are finding ways to deny expenses with co-pays,co insurance payments and deductables but the costs of such services are out of control. Hospitals are denying treatment and people are forced to make the horrible choices that lead to more serious conditions. Let's seek a constituional Amendment that provides for Healthcare cost restrictions and the Gurantee of Medical treatment. Obamacare is a start but to gurantee would provide our rights to fair and equitable billing be studied and costs limited to what we can afford to pay ! A constitutional amendment would also gurantee that Obamacare would not be subject to repeal . Let's stand up for what's right.
