To: The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, Governor Tim Walz, and The United States House of Representatives

Right to Know, Label GMO's!

We have the right to know what goes into our bodies. America needs to wake up and follow the example set by most other developed nations and LABEL GMO'S!

Why is this important?

Everything gets a label, right? Wrong! Genetically modified organisms are currently not required to be listed on the ingredient label of the foods we eat. As consumers we have the right to know what we are putting into our bodies! We aren’t asking for a ban, but for a label. If GMO's pose no risk to our health, why can't we be informed what they are in? Michelle Obama encourages a healthy lifestyle and organic gardening. GMO's are not organic. Does the president feed GMO's to their children? Give us the opportunity to choose whether or not we want to consume GMO’s. Let’s follow the example of most other developed nations and label GMO’s! GMO’s have been linked to allergies and other much more serious health problems.