To: The Missouri State House, The Missouri State Senate, and Governor Mike Parson

Stop Governor Greitens! Right to Work - Wrong for Missouri (Union and Non-Union Workers)!

Stop Right to Work from being passed in Missouri. My husband is a hard working union electrician who deserves fair wages and benefits. Please join me in this fight to stop the Missouri Governor from passing a law that would be devastating for so many individuals and families in Missouri.

Why is this important?

The newly elected Missouri Governor Eric Greitens has pledged to pass the anti-union Right to Work Law. Right to Work is an attack on all workers, and will erode the standard of living for all Missourians, giving employers all the power over wages, benefits, and working conditions.

Facts about 'Right to Work' for Less:

- The average worker in 'Right to Work' states earns $6,109 (12.1%) less per year than workers in states without 'Right to Work' legislation.

- Median household income in states with these laws is $8,174 (13.9%) less than in other states.

- Poverty rates are higher in states with right to work laws (15.3% overall and 21.4% for children), compared with poverty rates of 12.8% overall and 18.0% for children in states without these laws

- People under the age of 65 in states with right to work laws are more likely to be uninsured (13.0%, compared with 9.4% in free-bargaining states)

- The rate of workplace deaths is 49% higher in states with right to work laws, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Don’t be fooled! As Martin Luther King, Jr. said in 1961, “In our glorious fight for civil rights, we must guard against being fooled by false slogans, as ‘right to work.’ It provides no ‘rights’ and no ‘works.’ Its purpose is to destroy labor unions and the freedom of collective bargaining… We demand this fraud be stopped.”

Please sign this petition and share with others. Governor Greitens needs to be stopped!
