To: Mitt Romney, Presumed GOP candidate for President.
Romney Business Credentials
Mitt's tax returns precluded his being considered for a place on the McCain ticket in 2008 Presidential Election. Fast forward 2012; the public must have the same information so voters can make similarly informed decisions about his suitability for Presidency of the United States. Especially in light of Bain's out sourcing of jobs and Mitt's hidden assets in other sovereign states. He is running for President, for "pete's sake!"
Why is this important?
Mitt is running on one platform; to defeat President Obama. He has stated that his most important credential to do this is in creating jobs during his career, specifically at Bain Capital. Indications are that jobs were outsourced. Also, his assets are hidden in accounts outside the U.S. Voters of all stripes need to know the details of his business dealings in order to assess how Mitt's business practices will support his contention that he has, and will, create jobs. The most efficient and effective way to do this is to release a decade's worth of tax returns, as his father did a generation ago. This is especially important in light of the fact that the McCain ticket would not consider Romney as a running mate based on this information. Why should WE consider him. In four years, not much will have changed. VOTERS ARE ENTITLED TO THIS INFORMATION in order to make an informed decision in November.