To: The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Rontavis Davis Petition
This petition is so that my brother can be treated fairly by the justice system of Albany Police Department, The Federal Jutice System and the Georgia Department of Correction
Why is this important?
My brother was arrested in Albany Georgia and we as a family feel as if he is being treated unfairly by the Georgia Department of Correction and Albany Police Department. We have all done things and made mistakes in which we can not take back but yet we do regret those choices that we have made, some of us has even been punished for those crimes such as my brother. Whether they was properly or wrongfully punished they was punished so for a judge or state to make a decision of someone freedom based upon something he or she has done in their past but has served time for already is wrong. What type of message is that sending the individual that just because you made a mistake once or maybe twice in your life that you deserve to be treated unfairly or like a dog because now you don't matter to society better yet the people who stood before you and fought for your freedom didn't fight for the freedom of a person with your mantality! How do we espect them to ever trust the justice system if the justice system screwing them over. To give my brother 15 years to life in prison is just a heinous system it's not like he murdered someone, no im not saying no punishment should be done but I do feel as if he has already given a lot of his time to the system missing out of his children lives and missing the death of both our grandparent don't you guys feel as if thats enough punishment itself. Imagine you making mistakes as a young adult because you had no guidence, no one to really teach you right from wrong so you turned to looking for that love and lesson of life from the streets so you get caught up in the moment but thankfully instead of being in a grave you was blessed to sit and learn your lesson in a facility. You learned to value life and never take it for granted more importantly you paid your due to society so why can't you be treated equally don't we all bleed the same blood? All my family is asking for is that my brother case be looked over and reviewed so a decison can be made in which he doesn't spend the rest of his life in prison.