Require that FDOT replace unimproved bus waiting areas with safe pavement and move bus stops out of moving traffic lanes by installing bus pull outs or using the far right lanes for bus stops and designated right turns only on all state roads where the speed limit is over 35mph.
Why is this important?
The bus stop waiting areas and stopping locations along State roads in Florida and elsewhere are appallingly unsafe. It is horrible to see people standing in the grass, in ditches, in the mud etc. Also, there are almost no bus pull outs and buses stop in the moving traffic lane on state roads where the speed limit is 45-55 mph. There have been numerous rear end collisions with buses. Every week across the US there are State road projects yet they are not making them safer for people who need to ride the bus. Everyone is in favor of more bus ridership and less private vehicles yet it is extremely dangerous and unsafe to get on and off the bus on most state roads.