To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Safer Antibiotic Use: Make Probiotics Mandatory!

Make it unlawful for physicians to prescribe antibiotic drugs to patients without prescribing a concurrent and followup regimen of probiotics.

Why is this important?

Antibiotics are great at killing bacteria that make us sick, but in the process of fighting germs they also kill off good bacteria. Too few Doctors are prescribing probiotics alongside antibiotics. After years of taking antibiotics for chronic sinus infections, I fell very ill and found out my intestinal flora of good bacteria had been completely wiped out and also had a massive overgrowth of yeast in my body; it's been a long ongoing process to re-balance and regain my health. Millions of Americans are suffering from this oversight and it's time to put a stop to these avoidable illnesses!