To: Paul Krekorian, LA City Councilmember, CD2, Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles Mayor, and Seleta Reynolds, General Manager, LA Dept. of Transportation (LADOT)

SAFETY FIRST -- Traffic Calming for the Silver Triangle

Our neighborhood has a dangerous traffic safety problem that is impossible for LAPD to manage. We call upon our City representatives to GET SERIOUS about traffic calming in the Silver Triangle and to immediately begin the process of protecting our residents' health and safety by dramatically reducing traffic.

Why is this important?

The Silver Triangle neighborhood, nestled between Studio City's busy Ventura Blvd. business district, Laurel Canyon, and the Santa Monica Mountains, wants to be restored to a safe school neighborhood where residents can move about safely, walk their children to school, cycle and drive. We have an adjacent elementary school with 900 students and a smaller elementary/secondary school within the Triangle. Wilacre/Fryman Canyon hiking is next door and brings hundreds of people daily to our streets. Recently, our residents have been suffering from the intrusive and damaging effects of Google Maps, Waze, GPS and other technologies that provide drivers with alternative traffic routes, resulting in thousands of non-local drivers cutting through our neighborhood daily. Further, due to the cumulative effects of major developments past and proposed, including recent and aggressive expansion of restaurants and "chain stores" along the Ventura Blvd. corridor between Whitsett and Colfax, increased high-density housing projects and the proposed development of Sportsman's Landing, we are now and will become increasingly overrun with vehicles, well beyond our street capacity.

We want the City of Los Angeles to institute meaningful and effective traffic calming measures immediately, reducing air and noise pollution and protecting residents' safety from excessive, often unlawful and unhealthful traffic, which is degrading our quality of life.