To: Florida State Park Planning, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

Safety for all on the Cross Florida Greenway

Due to the paving of trails through the Marjorie Harris Cross Florida Greenway, we have a huge safety concern for horseback riding through this state green space.

Why is this important?

The State of Florida has recently completed paving of almost all of the Marjorie Harris Cross Florida Greenway, opening this green space to road cyclists and racers. For decades, the Greenway has been a natural green space shared by mountain bikes, hikers and equestrians, with little effect on the environment. Now there will be a huge influx of cyclists, including large groups, racers, and some family riders. However, the safety of the hikers and equestrians is at risk. Let's raise our voices and request signage to be put on the paved trails, requesting the cyclist use slow speed at all natural trail crossings and bridges and tunnels. IE: Slow: Pedestrian and Horse Crossing.