To: Conejo Valley USD Superintendent & School Board

Salad bars for all Conejo Valley USD students!

We the undersigned want the Conejo Valley USD Health & Wellness policy to include that all school cafeterias (elementary, middle and high school) should have a salad bar/produce bar available for students to choose fresh vegetables and fruits on a daily basis. This salad bar is to be replenished throughout the lunch period so every student eating at the cafeteria has the ability and option of choosing a fresh fruit or vegetable daily.

Why is this important?

As concerned parents of the Conejo Valley Unified School District, we are writing to enlist your support in cultivating a healthier environment for our children. One in four children in the US is obese, and two of every three adults in the US are obese. Obesity is the leading cause of death in America after smoking. Unless measures are taken to reduce obesity, the youth of today may live shorter lives than their parents.

Right now CVUSD middle and high school students do NOT have access to a salad/produce bar during lunch. For this reason as parents we feel that each Conejo Valley USD school cafeterias (elementary, middle and high school) should have a salad bar/produce bar available for students to choose fresh vegetables and fruits. This bar is to be replenished throughout the lunch period so every student eating at the cafeteria has the ability and option of choosing a fresh fruit or vegetable daily.

Please see the other petitions involving healthy changes for CVUSD:
