To: Professor Alatise, Dean of Engineering, FUTA, Dr Oladele, Sub Dean of Engineering, Professor John Ade Ajayi, Editor, FUTA JEET, Professor Benjamin Adewuyi, Director of Entrepreneur, FUTA, Dr. B.K. Alese, Dean of Students FUTA, Bamidele E...

Salami Femi Sould Provide the 2014 NUESA Incentives Else No 2015 Dues

The Dean of SEET, FUTA,

We the students have resolve not to pay the annual dues of NUESA as we were not given any return from our dues paid in 2014. We request that Salami Femi is probed in this regard before decisions as to payment of dues are taken.


Why is this important?

The payment of dues in the 2014/2015 academic session was compulsory for all NUESAITES, the association led by Salami Oluwafemi, aka Anomalous has in no way or the other give back to the students in spite of large turn up, for the dues, we are suspecting an act of embezzlement, we hereby demand for the investigation of his regime, before we are forced to pay another which might follow the same trend. #SayingNoToCorruption