To: President Donald Trump, The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, Governor Matt Bevin, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Same Sex Marriage

We members of the LGBT community in Kentucky are taxpaying citizens. We work, participate in elections, and help Kentucky to grow. We deserve equal marriage rights. No law says otherwise. Religion is the factor standing in our way to equal rights. Religion should not stop us from having the same legal rights as everyone else.

Why is this important?

My partner and I are both KY residents. We want to stay in KY and have our family. But until we can achieve the same marital status as everyone else we will never feel as though KY recognizes us as equal citizens. Please allow same sex marriage in KY so all of us in the LGBT community can be true equal KY residents. We pay our taxes, work, and help KY to grow. We deserve the same as everyone else.
