To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Same Sex Marriage

The opposition to same-sex marriage claims that marriage is between a man and a woman for the purpose of creating and/or raising a family. Therefore, they must oppose marriage between a man and a woman who are unable to, choose not to, or are too old to raise a family. The point is, they will never demand that, and as a result they are being highly hypocritical. In order avoid being hypocritical. they must outlaw marriage between a man and a woman who are unable to, choose not to, or are too old to raise a family. Let's put this hypocricy before the courts, or at least make it a very public argument.

Why is this important?

Opponents of same-sex marriage claim that marriage for the purpose of procreating and/or raising a family , they must not allow marriage between a man and a woman who are unable to, choose not to, or are too old to raise a family. The point is, they will never demand that, thereby they are being highly hypocritical.
