To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Sanctity of Life Legislation

This petition is a plea to law makers to enact legislation prohibiting artificial genetic DNA manipulation of living things for the purpose of producing a new and unnatural living organism that can reproduce and alter the natural evolutionary process in the environment. Laws should be written prohibiting any artificial tampering with DNA strands with the intent of copyrighting or patenting seeds or organisms capable of reproduction and offering them as a salable product.

Why is this important?

This petition is a plea to law makers to enact legislation prohibiting artificial genetic DNA manipulation of living things for the purpose of producing a new and unnatural living organism that can reproduce and alter the natural evolutionary process. The DNA molecule is a program for a living cell, analogous to software that runs a computer. By design, this software is adaptive and passes only characteristics desirable for advancement and survival on to its offspring. It is what drives the evolutionary process that has gotten living organisms to the sophisticated level they are today. No government, business entity, scientist, or individual has any right to tamper with this software and disrupt this natural process. Laws should be written prohibiting any tampering with DNA strands with the intent of copyrighting or patenting seeds or organisms capable of reproduction and offering them as a salable product, considering such actions as criminal. In addition, experimentation done for research purposes resulting in accidental release of these types of organisms into the environment, will require those responsible to be held liable for damages and removal of the organisms from the environment.